Winbond HyperRAM
Mobiveil’s HyperRAMTM controller supports Winbond’s HyperBus
based HyperRAMTM devices which are used in following applications:
- IoT
- Consumer devices
- Automotive
- Industrial
This controller enables smooth integration of Winbond’s HyperBus
HyperRAMTM memory chips into various new-gen SoCs’.
The controller is designed using Technology independent Verilog RTL and
supports all industry standard Simulator, Synthesis and Lint/CDC tools.
- Compatible with W958D6NW, W958D6NKY, W956x8MBYA, W955D8MBYA HyperRAMTM devices from Winbond
- 16 bit data bus - DQ[15:0] support for W958D6NW, W958D6NKY devices
- 8 bit data bus - DQ[7:0] support for W956x8MBYA/ W955D8MBYA devices
- Read-Write data strobe RWDS [1:0]
- Memory Clock rate upto 250 MHz
- AXI memory mapped system interface for memory access.
- APB port for control registers accesses
- Supports Linear Burst, Hybrid burst and Wrap burst
- Low power features like deep power down, Hybrid sleep mode are handled by the controller through a CSR register.
Design Attributes
• Highly modular and programmable design • Fully synchronous design • Software control for key featuresProduct Package
• RTL Code • System Verilog/UVM based Testbench • Test cases • Behavioral PHY Model • Validated FPGA PHY reference designDocumentation
• Data-sheet • Verification PlanLicensing Options
• Single Design or Multi-project license (Encrypted RTL or HDL Source Code)Get the Detailed Product Brief here
Winbond HyperRAM
Mobiveil’s HyperRAMTM controller supports Winbond’s HyperBus
based HyperRAMTM devices which are used in following applications:
- IoT
- Consumer devices
- Automotive
- Industrial
This controller enables smooth integration of Winbond’s HyperBus
HyperRAMTM memory chips into various new-gen SoCs’.
The controller is designed using Technology independent Verilog RTL and
supports all industry standard Simulator, Synthesis and Lint/CDC tools.